As a parent and a school teacher I am a proud member of the, “Buy Anything and Everything that Supports My Kids, Their Activities, and Their Schools Club.” It’s a very prestigious club and we are super serious about our spirit ware.  We buy it all, t-shirts, sneakers, blankets, umbrellas, caps, and yes, even jewelry. However, Jewelry is my favorite and I quickly became aware of a grave need in the spirit jewelry market, everything was too expensive and I could never find the colors I needed. So, I did what any serious, hyper-supportive fan would do, I started making my own. It wasn’t easy to find all the colors I needed and of course when I did, I had to meet the minimum purchase requirements. I would have to start a business to justify buying 100 purple strands of beads and 250 identical football charms. And that is how Spirit Spangles was born.